あれ、そんな仕様あったっけ? と、仕様書をあたってみた。あったあった。JSP1.2仕様に
JSP.7.2.1 Packaged Tag Libraries
JSP page authoring tools and JSP containers are required to accept a tag library that is packaged as a JAR file. When deployed in a JSP container, the standard JAR conventions described in the Servlet 2.3 specification apply, including the conventions for dependencies on extensions.
Packaged tag libraries must have at least one tag library descriptor file. The JSP 1.1 specification allowed only a single TLD, in META-INF/taglib.tld, but in JSP 1.2 multiple tag libraries are allowed. See Section JSP.7.3.1 for how TLDs are identified.
tldのファイル名は taglib.tld にすればいいか。複数のタグライブラリを一つのjarにまとめるときは、tldの名前はtaglib-uriの末尾に合わせればいいのかな? それともどんな名前でもよかったりするのかな。