2012-12-23 [長年日記]



--- C:/Users/matobaa/Downloads/TicketCountTable-r191/TicketCountTable/ticketcounttable/TicketCountTable.py.org	 12 23 22:47:44 2012
+++ C:/Users/matobaa/Downloads/TicketCountTable-r191/TicketCountTable/ticketcounttable/TicketCountTable.py	 12 23 22:58:14 2012
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
             query += " left outer join ticket_custom as cy on cy.ticket=id and cy.name='%s'" % yaxiscolname
         # 条件文及びgroup値を追加
-        query += " where %s group by ifnull(%s,'')" % (condition, yaxiskey)
+        query += " %s group by ifnull(%s,'')" % (condition, yaxiskey)
         query += " order by 1"
@@ -239,11 +239,12 @@
                 # DBからデータを取得する
                 if custom:
                     # カスタムフィールドの場合
-                    query = u"select distinct ifnull(value,'') as v from ticket t left outer join ticket_custom c on c.ticket=t.id on c.name='%s' where %s order by 1" % (axiscolname, condition)
+                    query = u"select distinct ifnull(value,'') as v from ticket t left outer join ticket_custom c on c.ticket=t.id on c.name='%s' %s order by 1" % (axiscolname, condition)
                     # それ以外の場合
-                    query = u"select distinct ifnull(%s,'') as v from ticket t where %s order by 1" % (axiskey, condition)
+                    query = u"select distinct ifnull(%s,'') as v from ticket t %s order by 1" % (axiskey, condition)
+                self.env.log.debug(query)
                 axis = []
                 cursor = db.cursor()
@@ -255,11 +256,15 @@
     # int型のものに対しても文字型と同様に''で囲んでいるが、SQLiteなら大丈夫のはず。
     def createcondition(self, params):
         conditions = None
+        join = ''
         condition = '('
         if params.has_key('q'):
             conditions = params['q'].split('&')
             for cond in conditions:
                 p = cond.split('=')
+                if len([p[0] for field in TicketSystem(self.env).custom_fields if field['name'] == p[0]]) > 0:
+                    join += " left outer join ticket_custom as %s on %s.ticket=id and %s.name='%s' " % (p[0],p[0],p[0],p[0])
+                    p[0] += '.value'
                 if len(p) == 2:
                     if condition != '(':
                         condition += ') AND ('
@@ -269,6 +274,8 @@
                         orstrs.append("%s='%s'" % (unicode(p[0]), unicode(orcond)))
                     orvalues = ' OR '.join(orstrs)
                     condition += orvalues
+        else:
+            condition += '1=1'
         condition += ')'
-        return condition
+        return join + ' where ' + condition

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